Friday, January 23, 2015

HDAM, Local Coalition Work To Keep Kids Safe

Representatives of the Hendrick Durham Auto Mall were guests at a luncheon held Friday by Safe Kids Durham County.

The dealership is a member of the Safe Kids Durham County coalition.

Coalition coordinator Theresa Cromling thanked the dealership for its involvement in coalition events and its continuing support of the coalition effort to keep kids safe in Durham County. Cromling also reviewed the highlights of a successful 2014, in which Safe Kids Durham County was named Coalition of the Year by Safe Kids North Carolina.

Safe Kids Durham County was established in 1989 as a way to reach parents in Durham County to give them vital information related to the safety of their children. The vision is to prevent childhood injuries through education. The coalition believe kids should grow up safe, healthy and injury free!

Because the leading cause of death and disability for children ages 1-14 is accidental and unintentional, the coalition mission revolves around providing injury prevention education to the families of the Durham community. Safe Kids Durham County operates under the 501C3 umbrella of the Duke University Medical Center. Lead agencies for Safe Kids Durham County are Duke Children's Hospital and Duke University Hospital Emergency Department.

The Durham coalition is one of many coalitions of Safe Kids USA, the first and only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to the prevention of unintentional childhood injury.

Hendrick Durham Auto Mall staff often participate in the events, whether demonstrating how quickly parked cars can heat up on a warm day, or explaining the perils of an improperly installed car seat, or promoting pedestrian safety by helping walk kids to school.

It is an effort very much in keeping with the mission of the Hendrick Durham Auto Mall and essential to the wellness of its' customers' communities.

"I am proud to work with this wonderful group of dedicated safety advocates," Cromling said. "I thank you all for your commmitment to our community, and thank your families for supporting your commitment to our goals. I am looking forward to a very successful 2015."

The Hendrick Durham Auto Mall is among a group of strong core supporters of Safe Kids Durham County that includes the Durham Police Department, Durham COunty Sheriff's Office, Fed Ex and Durham Bike Co-op.

Plans are underway for a special Safe Kids event at the dealership's new location. The dealership is moving from its current downtown location to a spectacular state-of-the-art facility near Southpoint Mall in the next few weeks, and Cromling plans to offer car safety-seat checks and other car safety programs at the new location.

The coalition's work in 2014 was testament to the importance of promoting and raising awareness of keepikg kids safe. Various events were held in Durham County at which 1,600 car seats were checked for proper installation. It was detemrined that 60 seats were installed incorrectly.

The list of Safe Kids Durham County's events for 2015 is long - with emphasis on car safety, water safety, bike safety, firearm safety, pedestrian safety, and the dangers of Hyperthermia. Last year, 52 kids died from hyperthermia in North Carolina.

Safe Kids Durham County was named Coalition of the Year at the 2014 N.C. Safe Kids Conference, beating out 40 other coalitions.

The Hendrick Durham Auto Mall is proud to be associated with such a successful group.

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